If you are looking for some really quick and easy gifts to DIY, here are three DIY gift ideas for you.
DIYing is my first love. I remember trying to create my own greeting cards when I was in third grade to sell in a garage sale I convinced my friends we should put on. My mom talked me out of it, only because I think she was scared we would get upset when people didn’t show up to our make-shift garage sale. Looking back, that was probably a good call on her part. (Haha)
But that really never stopped me from always wanting to do crafty things. I made beaded keychains, scrapbooked, tried my hand at crochet, made jewelry, did some word-burning artwork, sewing (not well)…basically I’ve tried all the crafts at least once at this point. (My mom still has the pen holder I made for her with an empty soup can and popsicle sticks. What a saint, that lady.)
I love, love, love sharing my DIYs with people. Last year I made a few clay pots for some friends and this year I thought I would show you three super quick, super easy, and super cheap projects you can do on your own. I just think DIY gifts are always a touch more special. It usually means someone put. a little extra love and thought into the gift. And that makes my heart warm.
Yarn Wall Hanging:

This is honestly the EASIEST and cutest gift you can give someone. I personally made this wall hanging several years ago, but I get so so so many compliments on it. All you do is find a large branch in your yard and loop yarn around it. You can choose one color, several colors, all kinds of thicknesses and textures. The one I created is relatively neutral in color and so far has worked in my bedroom and now my second bedroom that has been converted into a laundry room.

Again, this is easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. I found some cork coasters in a sale section at Joann’s fabric like a year ago and I added some paint to create a fun coaster set. These can be decorated with paint, fabric and Modge Podge, paper and Modge Podge, and so many other things. I suggest adding a hot chocolate kit and maybe a mug to this and giving it as a cute little set.
Yarn Door Hanger:
This one is probably the most complicated item, which isn’t saying much because it only took me about 30 minutes to create. You’ll need a metal hoop or a small embroidery hoop, yarn, and hot glue. I wrapped a few different colors of yard around the hoop, adding some hot glue every once in a while to make sure it stays. I then created two yarn tassels, which I will link a how-to here: How to Make a Yarn Tassel Video. And to top it off, I added a cutie yarn pom pom. Here is a link for a how-to here: DIY Pom POM Video. I have had little door knob decorations on almost all my door knobs. I think it adds a little something extra to my house. Usually I have some fake greenery hanging, but I think this creates a little warmth to any room.
Do you enjoy DIY gifts, either giving them out or receiving them from someone?