10 + Thrifted Gift Ideas | Thrifting Tips & Why You Should Gift Second Hand
If you’re new to thrifting, or even if you’re a seasoned thrifter, don’t forget about buying gifts for the people you love second hand.
Truly, I remember last holiday season I sent my friends a text and was like “I want to thrift all my gifts this year,” and then immediately chickened out because I wasn’t sure how thrifted gifts would be perceived from the people I was giving the gifts to.
Personally, I think buying something second hand feels more charming and thoughtful. You can’t go into a thrift store with a specific list because you simply won’t be able to find exact items. Instead, when you come across something that reminds you of someone you know, it just feels so sweet. You can totally go into thrifting with broad ideas, but sometimes you have to think outside of the box.
And if you’re like, but I still don’t even have a broad idea of what to get, don’t even worry. I got you! I am going to share about 15 gift ideas with you. I also want to share in-person and online shopping tips and I want to share a little bit of the why behind my second-hand gifting.
Gift Suggestions
Picture Frames – This is one of the easiest things to thrift. There are sometimes full aisles filled with frames of all shapes, sizes, and materials. I could leave basically every shopping trip with a new picture frame if I wanted to.

- Gift idea – Either get an image of you and the recipient printed, or go on Etsy and find a cute print that reminds you of them and frame it.
Mugs – The weirder the better, to be totally honest. I adore funky mugs and they are so easy to find. You can get a random mug, or maybe look for a mug that means something to both of you. I’ve found plenty of destination mugs over the years, so always look for mugs from places you’ve been to together. Or maybe you went to the same school/college and you find a mug with your school logo. The ideas are endless.
- Gift idea – A mug or two, with a fancier coffee blend. Maybe make a homemade vanilla bean syrup and add that to the bundle.
Sweaters – Before you say “I’m not thrifting clothes for someone.” I get it. I also don’t know how comfortable I feel about that unless I’m super close with them. But, a sweater is one of those clothing items that really just works no matter what the person’s style is. And they are a dime a dozen at thrift stores so it’ll be easy to find.
- Gift idea – A cute sweater with maybe a pair of gloves and and a beanie.
Glassware – One of my very favorite aisle in the thrift store is the glassware and dishes aisle. There are so many cool glasses at thrift stores. You can either find a whole complete set, or you can curate a fun mismatched glass set for them. Personally, I’ve been curating an eclectic glassware set for the past few years and I would simply melt if someone saw a glass or two and thought of my collection.

- Gift idea – A set of Champagne coupes, a mini Champagne bottle (alcoholic or non-alcoholic works), and a gift card to either Aldi’s or Trader Joes so they can make a cute little charcuterie tray and have a cute bevy out of their new glasses.
Table Linens – The reason this makes such a good gift is because it’s not something you always think about buying for yourself. It feels like table clothes or table runners or even table napkins are things you put in your cart but never end up making the cut. I also think its a conversation starter for your friend. My grandma has a table runner she got from her sister in law and every year she pulls it out, we have a little talk about my great aunt who passed away a long time ago. Imagine your friend hosts a dinner party and someone compliments the table cloth you gave them and then they get to chat about how you thrifted it for them.
- Gift idea – A table cloth with napkins and maybe even some napkin rings. Add in a taper candle set and you have the beginnings of a tablescape. I also think getting them a wine opener or a bottle opener could be a great addition to this as well.
Bags/Purses – I have found some of the cutest and quirkiest bags at thrift stores. I just love knowing they are probably something you won’t be able to find at a regular store.
- Gift idea – Buy a purse and then add all the fun purse supplies: hand sanitizer, chapstick, mini lint roller, a good pen, and a small notepad, gum, some of their favorite snacks, etc. You could even add in a gift card to their favorite restaurant. Or if you find a cute wallet, you could add a couple gift cards and put it in the slots.
Candles and/or Candle holders – One of my most second hand purchased items is candles. I always find fun shapes in all sorts of colors. There are always candle holders you can easily grab as well. I’ve found sets and I’ve also found singles that I pair together for a mismatched look.

- Gift idea – A few candles, either pillar, taper or jarred. Add in either a cute matchbox or a matchbook from a small business. Or you can find cute match holders. You can also purchase an electric lighter. One bundle I gave someone a few years ago was a candle, an electric lighter, and a snuffer.
Sunglasses – Finding funky sunglasses at a thrift store is always a gem of a find for me. I will say, this one is maybe a little bit harder to do, but it is possible.
- Gift Idea – Set them up for their passenger princess moment. Sunglasses, a few cute hair accessories, a new lipstick, and a gas card. It’s the recipe for a perfect car ride. Or pair some sunnies with a baseball cap with a fun saying (try thrifting one).
Jewelry – Not to give too much away, but this is one of the things I am giving this year. I found some really cute jewelry pieces and I’m really excited to see the recipient’s reaction. There are cases full of jewelry so it’s an easy thing to find!
- Gift idea – Some jewelry and a hand made travel jewelry holder.
Art – Here’s the thing. I know art is subjective and it makes me nervous to pick out art for someone else, it doesn’t mean it’s not a possibility. And it doesn’t mean you can’t find cool art second hand. In fact, one of my favorite pieces of artwork in my home was found at the thrift store for $5. It’s something I know I will keep forever because it’s seriously so cool.
- Gift Idea – A cool art piece and the materials to hang it (just to be helpful).
Games – The only reason not to buy a game is the fear of missing pieces. But, I’ve seen games that aren’t even opened yet. Also, if you’re worried about missing pieces, just open the game and see. Not only is this a good gift for a kid, but I also think it’s a great gift for people who like to host game nights. I got a few games from a friend when I moved into my house and it was a great housewarming idea!
- Gift Idea – Set them up for a game night with a new game, some snacks, and a few beverages of their choice.
Records/CDs/Movies – Always check the music and movie collection at a thrift store. Always. There are so many gems.
- Gift Idea – Besides gifting someone a good album you know they’ll love, you can also look for cool album art for them to display. I have a friend who solely looks for funky record album covers and uses them as wall art.
Books – Another item I am planning on gifting this year. Not only can you find good books for your friends or family to read, but thrift stores are a great place to find coffee table books. Or books to use as shelf art.

- Gift Idea – A book you think you’re recipient will enjoy, a cute book mark, and a little journal.
Vases & Plant pots – Please don’t ever buy a vase or plant pot new again. Please, please, please check your local thrift store first. They are all over the shelves. All different size and colors and shapes. And almost always for less than $5.
- Gift Idea: A new pot with a plant in it. If it’s a clipping from a plant you already own, I personally think that’s even better.
In-Person Thrifting Tips
Here is a list of tips you can use when you’re thrifting for yourself or for gifts for other people.
- Check every aisle and every single shelf. Keep your eyes constantly peeled as you walk around every aisle. And alway look at the bottom and top rows.
- Move things around. Some of my best finds have been behind and under other items. Don’t be afraid to move things on the shelves to see what is hiding.
- Go in with a broad list and an open mind. Usually I write down things like “Picture Frame, Serving Platter, coffee table book, etc” but I never really go in looking for a specific item because the likelihood of me finding it will be low. For example, if you have a friend looking for a specific book, you may not actually find that book. But if you get a sense of the types of books a friend likes, you can get them one you feel matches that criteria.
- Things usually have more than one use. A saucer is not just a saucer. It could also be the dish you put under a plant. A pair of curtains aren’t just curtains. It’s also material to sew into a cute tote bag. A cute soap dish can also be a jewelry tray. For example, I once found a four pack of marble tile samples. They were the perfect size for a coaster. So I glued cork board to the bottoms and I use them as coasters.

- Thrift often. Start now and go regularly. Thrift store inventory is always changing. I’ve gone about four times in the past month to look for Christmas decor and gifts.
Online Thrifting Tips
- Be specific. The only way I can describe this one is to show you what I mean. I was looking for ribbon to use as decoration and these are all the ways I searched for some on Facebook Marketplace: “Velvet Ribbon” “Velvet Craft Ribbon” “Red Velvet Craft Ribbon Roll” Sometimes I get similar results, but the search that got me what I was looking for was “Wedding decoration + velvet ribbon”.
- Add in years to your search criteria if needed. I like to look for vintage items so I will type in “70s mid mod glasses.” Or, “1990 Christmas decor”
- Use “vtg” if you’re looking for vintage items. I quickly figured out people use “vtg” in their titles when selling vintage items. I almost never type “vintage” at first anymore. I do still say “vintage”, but only after I’ve looked at what comes up after I searched using “vtg.”
- Read product descriptions for measurements. I have purchased a few things and realized I forgot to read the measurements and then I was stuck with a very small shelf when I wanted a long one. Just make sure you’re reading measurements and even get out a tape measure to make sure you are getting the correct size. Unlike buying new, you usually can’t send it back.
Reasons to Thrift Your Gifts
- To save money. This is probably one of my biggest reasons for thrifting. I recently thrifted Christmas decor inspired by Anthropologie and did some calculations. If I would have gotten everything from Anthropologie, it would have been $300+ and I spent less than $25.
- To help the environment. To put it simply, we are all over consuming. Way too much. Capitalism is totally bonkers right now and to be totally honest, it freaks me out how easy it is for us to buy buy buy. Because so many of us (myself included) have this mentality, landfills are filling up. I just feel like while I’m only one person, I can do my part. I can try to think more about what I’m buying and where I’m buying from. Not only are we wasting more, but corporations wasting more too. I want to be smarter about who I’m giving my money to.
- To be a little more thoughtful and less rash. I make so many impulse purchases and it is honestly silly. I don’t need to get every single thing I see someone else have. I noticed it more within the last three years that I have allowed myself to make purchase after purchase without really even needing the thing I am buying just because I saw someone else online has it. Thrifting has helped me with this because I can’t just thrift the exact thing someone else has. it’s made me slow down and make sure I actually want the thing and a lot of the times I don’t end up purchasing it.